4 Things Effective Page Admins Do



Even if you are already the Lead Page Admin on your Facebook Page you can still learn new things and be more effective.

Having worked with clients on their Facebook Page, we have found these 4 things to help a Page be more effective:

1. Set clear rules. Depending on the subject matter of your Page, you will want to set some guidelines or rules adhered to by the other admins. The most important one being what NOT to post.

One of the best ways to lose a good admin is by undermining their efforts. No one likes having their post deleted so do your admins a favor and set some rules by which they may abide.


2. Delegate responsibility. One person can only do so many things in day, delegate responsibility to your admins. That is why they are there, to help you. Each admin should have a specific role, for example one admin is in charge of posting articles and photos that are for entertainment. Another admin may be in charge of political posts as well as to rally* your fans to take action. Make sure each admin knows to whom they report, while you are the leader, you cannot handle everything by yourself, set a hierarchy or chain of command. This leads us to number 3.


3. Try not to have more than 3 admins on your Page. The more admins you have the more chaos there is when it comes to posting or dealing with private messages.

Overlapping posts by admins will not help your Page’s Reach or fans. The same goes for too many posts because too many admins are posting.

Be an effective leader and ensure that your admins are not dissatisfied with each other because there are just too many posting. While you’re at it, add this to your rule, every admin needs to identify themself when responding to private messages or comments. Different people may have slightly different opinions so you want to make sure that fans understand who is interacting with them. After all it’s ultimately your reputation that is at stake..


4. Help the Admins on other Pages by sharing their links, commenting on their Pages and helping with their fundraising efforts if any. Remember that there will come a time when you need help too. Lay the groundwork for a mutually satisfying relationship by being a helpful person. You don’t have to be their best friend, you just have to be a decent person.

*Rallying your fans means that you encourage them to support an action or to perform a specific action. Never abuse your fans and demean them. They are there to do YOU a favor by listening to your message and to help your Page or efforts. Antagonizing your fans will not help your Cause and remember it is very easy to Unlike a Page.