The easiest way to create a strong password is to use the first letter of a Memorable Phrase or Mnemonics. It may be a verse from a poem or a line from a movie. However something specific to your personal life may be a better choice.
For example the first letter of a phrase like, “Danny’s mom Jean enjoys high tea at 4:30” will give us a password that looks like this:
This is an example of a strong password with a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numerals. To make it stronger, special characters such as ! $ % ^ & may be used. Make your password at least 8 characters long. The longer your password the better it is.
Remember to rotate between a few good passwords and do not use the same password on all the different sites. No matter how strong, it is unsafe to use just the one.
Do not use the name of your pet, or your birth date. Most websites have a “Forgot my password” button that begins a password-recovery process by email. If a hacker has broken into your email then it is very easy to intercept those emails. Every website where you have registered using that particular email will then be controlled by the hacker.